Budget Deckbuilding: Eruption

The first deck from Nemesis was kind of a disaster, with the Fading-heavy “Breakdown” in which I was not quite sure how to deal with the sheer amount of drawbacks you have to work against. So, the only was is up; and the candidate that steps to the plate to improve the reputation of Preconstructed Decks from the Masques block is “Eruption”. The deck is White-Red, but apart from a lot of seemingly random cards, the “Eruption” deck features two mini-themes: Laccolith, which are creatures that deal damage to a target creature when blocked instead of simply doing combat damage against the creature that blocked them, and Flowstone, creatures with all come with a worse version of firebreathing since they gain +1/-1 per activation. Can they come together to form a decent strategy? Well, we will see.

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Budget Deckbuilding: Unnatural Forces

After originally planning three articles to give my thanks to the creative forces that helped/help/will continue to help finding inspiration for my blog, I only managed to release one of them. Well, great ambitions do not always translate to getting the job done. Nonethless, for this Wednesday I want to return to some of my usual content in form of the scheduled Magic the Gathering Preconstructed Deck review for Blaugust 2022’s day 17. I am even ticking the box for a small sidegoal by publishing this article, since it is the last Preconstructed Deck from Visions that is at hand. Its name? “Unnatural Forces”. Its strategy? A colorful amount of game control using the colors Blue and Black. I did not expect much from a deck that shows “Nekrataal” as its cover Creature but I have to admit that it certainly was fun to tinker around with it. But feel free to take a look at it yourself.

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Yugioh Deck Review: Structure Deck: Lord of the Storm

Some Yugioh content obviously needs to make its way into Blaugust 2022 aswell; and with it only being published on day 10 it is somewhat overdue in my opinion. The next set of the early Yugioh Structure Decks is at hand and this time we go back to the Attribute combos with Wind and Earth. The Wind one is first though: “Lord of the Storm” did not just introduce another silly boss monster but actually introduced a monster that would later be the cornerstone for the “Simorgh” archetype in form of “Simorgh, Bird of Divinity“. In fact, the newer “Simorgh, Lord of the Storm” hints at this very Structure Deck with its name. So, the bell rings, round seven, let’s go:

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Budget Deckbuilding: Wild-Eyed Frenzy

This article is part of “Blaugust 2022” and my entry for day three; apart from also being what I originally planned to publish this Wednesday. So, back on topic: The Preconstructed Decks from Visions were a mixed bag so far: The White “Legion of Glory” was quite nice but since it had an actual theme to it tinkering with it was quite easy, while the Red/Green “Savage Stompdown” suffered from a lack of meaningful beaters in the mid-range and in late-game. So, “Wild-Eyed Frenzy”, a mono-Red deck, can really go anywhere; but I am happy to pronouce that I found it a blast to work with due to some really interesting options in the Spell department.

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Budget Deckbuilding: WU Spirit Toolbox

I do not exactly know what is happening here, but if it fetches cards I am all for it.

Building creative decks with cards from the first Kamigawa block is quite a challenge. Now, there are lots of powerful cards in the block, do not get me wrong, but if you want to leave things somewhat budget-friendly you have to scratch quite a few ideas before you can even start thinking about themes and strategies. So, after browsing the cleaned list, I happened to stumble upon “Tallowisp”, a small Spirit that packs quite some searching power. With enough Spirit support, a two-mana Creature could seriously change how the deck would be played; and as I learned later I was certainly not the first one to tinker with the idea as you can see in Gavin Harvey’s “A Tallowisp Tale“-article. So, without further ado, let us take a look at what enchanting and spiriting stuff I came up with.

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Yugioh Deck Review: Structure Deck: Spellcaster’s Judgment

Number six of the first line of Yugioh Structure Decks takes a more spell-based approach. After we looked at the Warrior deck “Warrior’s Triumph” two weeks ago, we will inspect the Spellcaster contrapart in form of “Spellcaster’s Judgment” today. Now, Spellcasters have received some support over the years and feature various archetypes like “Witchcrafter”, “Spellbook” or “Dark Magician”; and while Warriors are probably still better in the generic support department, I have high hopes for the deck at hand.

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Budget Deckbuilding: Savage Stompdown

After the solid “Legion of Glory” two weeks ago, which had some interesting cards that I was not even aware of existing, we have the next deck from Visions in form of “Savage Stompdown” today. The color combination of this Preconstructed Deck is Red/Green, which immediately screams big Creatures, high damage, and Aggro playstyle. Let us find out whether the deck actually delivers that.

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