The Videogame Corner: Dark Souls III

Game: Dark Souls III
Developer: From Software
Genre: Action Role-Playing Game
Releases: 2016 (Playstation 4, PC, Xbox One)

With both “Dark Souls” and “Dark Souls II” taken care of, it was only a matter of time until I gave the (currently) last entry of the series a go. Yes, I know that the storyline of “Dark Souls” is finished with the third entry of the series, but that never stopped a videogame developer from producing more games. The third entry of this popular series happens to bring some minor changes to the formula, but the challenging difficulty level and tons of options for the player to build their character with are still two of the main pillars of gameplay. And it reverted some of the changes from “Dark Souls II”, for example in form of completely removing the idea of Adaptability; which I as someone who grinded for around nine hours to get a decent dodge roll in that game can appreciate. Now, this does not mean that “Dark Souls III” is therefore a universally loved game, with one voice loving the first installment but dreading the third being fellow blogger Frostilyte, but that might just be another reason to talk about the game on my blog. So, here are my experiences with “Dark Souls III”.

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