The Videogame Corner: Mordheim: City of the Damned

Game: Mordheim: City of the Damned
Developer: Rogue Factor
Genre: Strategy Role-Playing game
Releases: 2015 (PC), 2016 (Playstation 4, Xbox One)

Games Workshop is, as far as I am aware, mostly known for two things: Highly expensive plastic miniatures that some people buy with almost religious fervor; and outsourcing their franchises to various videogame companies and seeing what spawns by doing so. I do have my fair share of Warhammer 40,000 stuff in my flat, but while that might be a topic for an article someday, I want to focus on one of the videogames released in the Warhammer Fantasy universe. “Mordheim: City of the Damned” is actually the videogame adaptation of a tabletop variant of Warhammer Fantasy named “Mordheim”, and focuses on small warbands fighting each other rather than huge armies standing opposite another and the game becoming a huge resource-burning affair. I like the idea of small skirimishes rather than huge battles because they allow for the role-playing component to take center stage and individual characters having actual impact rather than just being part of a thirty-man squad, but whether “Mordheim: City of the Damned” manages to capture that sentiment is for us to see in the following paragraphs; which also happens to be the day 13 article for Blaugust 2022.

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