The Videogame Corner: Rogue Legacy

Game: Rogue Legacy
Developer: Cellar Door Games
Genre: Platformer, Rogue-like
Releases: 2013 (PC), 2014 (Playstation 3, Playstation 4, PSP), 2015 (Xbox One), 2018 (Nintendo Switch)

Platformers are not really my thing. I can understand why people are playing games of the genre, do not get me wrong, but I tend to grow frustrated by the difficulty of near-impossible jumps are rather than becoming motivated enough to keep trying. However, there is still some DNA of those games in titles that I genuinely enjoy. One example is “Rogue Legacy”, a 2-D platformer with a grinding component in which you take on the challenge of a massive dungeon in order to clear the name of your family; all while collecting money to improve your character(s), die during the run, and then try again with the offspring of your former character. The game is pretty challenging, but the fact that every try helps a little to make things go smoother next time is enough motivation for me to keep the runs going; and eventually succeed at killing the man that tarnished the family name in the first place. So, for the twentieth post this (Bl)August, let me tell you about “Rogue Legacy”.

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