The Videogame Corner: Zeno Clash

Game: Zeno Clash
Developer: ACE Team
Genre: Beat’em-up/Fighting Game, First-Person-Shooter
Releases: 2009 (PC), 2010 (Xbox 360)

Here is another game review for a rather unique title for Blaugust 2022. In an ocean of videogames on the market one strategy to garner people attention and interest is to do something … different. Think of “Katamari Damacy”, which uses a rather silly premise about the heir to the throne of the entire cosmos rolling things and beings into balls that are later on made into stars; you know, weird things. That title was a hit for various reasons, and another game that takes the “weirdness” approach to game design was displayed on my monitor just a few hours prior to writing this article: “Zeno Clash”. This mixture of a fighting game paired with shooting mechanics and art design that was compared by lots of reviews to the works of Hieronymus Bosch or M. C. Escher is certainly unique; but whether it is actually playable is something that I want to talk about in this article.

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