Archetype Analysis: Melodious

Last updated: 07.05.2022

Bloom Diva the Melodious Choir” shows the opponent that violence is not the answer; only to clubber them over the head afterwards with its effect.

Within the six Attributes that exist in Yugioh (Divine does not really count, does it?) there is a clear favorite in Dark. For the longest time, the best generic effects for Attributes could be found in the ranks of the dark purple symbol in the upper right corner of monster cards. If I would be asked what comes second, I would properly answer Light; but in reality it is not that simple. Light Attribute archetypes do tend to not mingle in other engines but rather stick to their group of peers, which is one of the major issues with the archetype at hand: “Melodious”. This group of music- and floral-themed monsters is certainly able to do some impressive stuff on its own, but tends to exclude other cards by putting up signs saying “Melodious only” in their archetype. But before I go into further detail right here, I invite you on a journey through a Fusion-focussed archetype that is easy to play but sadly rather restrictive in deckbuilding.

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Archetype Analysis: Monk

Last updated: 11.08.2021

See where training gets you? 600 additional ATK points, but you require a tribute now.

Here is another article off-schedule, since I would feel bad posting something as short as this one as my Saturday upload. There are various archetypes in Yugioh, as I have mentioned countless times before, but back in the day, when archetypes were still unknown, certain strategies formed in the game due to card designers making some small series of cards that people could work with. Some of those series aged pretty terribly though, and the topic of this article is no exception since we are talking about “Monk”, a loose group of cards with the stars of the show being the motley crew of “Chu-Ske the Mouse Fighter“, “Monk Fighter” and “Master Monk“. Let us see what they can do.

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Archetype Analysis: Adamancipator

Last updated: 21.03.2021

The bond between humans and crystals brings some powerful plays to the table.

I asked my friends again what archetype I should take a look at and write an analysis about; and after receiving three options, I decided to roll a dice and let fate decide. However, fate is a fickle mistress and so I ended up with a fairly competitive archetype to review in a blog that talks about non-competitive Yugioh. The choice was “Adamancipator”, so in this article I will take a look what information I can excavate to give a broad overview of what the archetype is capable of. Should any competitive players read this article then I wanted to apologize in advance since I cannot and will not include any of the non-archetypal power cards commonly used in that scene, like for example “Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon“. With that out of the way, let us start exploring.

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