The Videogame Corner: Dungeon Siege III

Game: Dungeon Siege III
Developer: Obsidian Entertainment
Genre: Action Role-Playing Game
Releases: 2011 (PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)

Let us assume that you, dear reader, have read something about “Dungeon Siege” before if you found yourself reading this article. It might have been the articles about the original “Dungeon Siege” or the follow-up “Dungeon Siege 2” on this very blog, or maybe some other source entirely. What you would expect is that a game that has a “3” in the title kind of resembles the two predecessors since the name and franchise makes it easier to market games of the same genre with possibly even a similar story. Well, “Dungeon Siege III” is different than that in many ways, since it is not allowing you to take control of a party of adventurers anymore (one of the main features of the first two games), it is not a PC-centered “hack-and-slay”-esque roleplaying game, and whatever you have read about some “Second Cataclysm” as the cliff-hanger of “Dungeon Siege 2” is gone and never to be brought up again; unless you play the PSP-offshoot called “Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony”. I write this like Gas Powered Games, the developers of the first two titles, had a choice in the matter, but from all I read online it sounds like they needed cash, joined up with Square Enix, and then got the terms to work with; whether they liked them or not. Chris Taylor, the face behind the first two “Dungeon Siege” titles, worked as an advisor for the development of the game, but the rest was up to Obsidian. Nonetheless, they produced a game that might have little to do with its past but was instead looking towards the future. So, let us talk about the good and bad of “Dungeon Siege III”.

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